Wednesday, August 6, 2008

ESXi running without no USB key needed

So today I confimed (again) that you do not need to keep the ESXi USB key attached to the server once its loaded. You can make all the changes to the server, all without the bootable USB key physically attached....

Now why??? No idea even why I tested it, and have no real reason for the ability to do it. But its cool, server with no hard drives and no USB key (internal or external) running ESXi and hosting VMs. Not that is a hypervisor.

BUT - the ESXi web page will work but the VI Client download link will not work unless you attach the USB drive again. That file is not loaded in to memory.

1 comment:

DP said...

Need to test if the changes get written to the key after we plug it back in or not.
1. boot and remove key
2. make changes to system via VIC or console menu
3. reattach USB key, check log to be sure it remounts
4. reboot
5. do changes persist?